Monday, 13 October 2014

Catch the flying fruit (plan)

Catch the flying fruit (plan)

Last lesson we were told to plan out game using these three screens below...

These are my plans for my welcome screen and my main playing screen for my scratch games. 

Welcome screen: My welcome screen includes the catchy name, "Catch the flying fruit".  I drew a basket and  fruits flying like crazy birds!! I also have a sound button which would tell the viewer if the sound is on or off.  I have three options including play, how to play(instructions) and options (e.g. shop)

Main playing screen: My main playing screen is bright and it is set as a picnic screen.  The aim of the game is to catch as many of the flying fruits as you can. Each fruit is classed as one point. In the game, it will have a mega fruit which is the most important fruit to catch with your basket. There will be more information about this fruit in how to play.

Game over screen: Lastly I have the game over screen.  This screen will determine your final score.  Also it includes options like: share(if you want to share your score with your friends or family), play again and shop(buy new fruits or update your game to the next level.


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

scratch picnic description

A brief description
Last lesson I was told to make a game with a theme of a picnic. I drew a bright coloured background with a bold and bright yellow sun and a light blue sky.  I attempted to draw fruit in a basket to go with my picnic setting.  We were told to answer a question saying "Why do we name our sprites and costumes"? We name our sprites and costumes because it make our work more organised and neat rather than trying to figure out which sprite is which!!