Always include the sources of your information whether text, images, sound or video. Please make sure the words are all your own, otherwise you could be breaking copyright laws. We usually keep underlines for hyperlinks. Use large font sizes or bold to make titles stand out. In terms of content, you have a meaningful title and sensible guidelines but do you have enough? Who is the audience? And what is the purpose of this poster? Edit the post always to give reasons for your design decisions.
Always include the sources of your information whether text, images, sound or video. Please make sure the words are all your own, otherwise you could be breaking copyright laws. We usually keep underlines for hyperlinks. Use large font sizes or bold to make titles stand out. In terms of content, you have a meaningful title and sensible guidelines but do you have enough? Who is the audience? And what is the purpose of this poster? Edit the post always to give reasons for your design decisions.